You may have noticed one of our latest offerings on Whitehouse.gov: the ability to request a personalized Presidential Greeting for birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, and other milestones. If not, I encourage you to check it out. This is just one of the many ways we're providing more online services to Americans who want to communicate with the President and the administration.
Technology changes rapidly, and over the past few years we've made some big improvements to the way we tackle how you as a citizen communicate with the White House. As you can imagine, the President gets a lot of mail, tens of thousands of letters and online messages per week, and technology plays a big role in helping us sort through and respond to your messages so that you get a fast and meaningful response, putting you at the center of our engagement efforts.
Among other things, we did our homework and stood up a leading platform that we’re calling our Citizen Relationship Management system that ties together all the different ways you can communicate with us, to give you a more consistent experience regardless of how you choose to reach out, and to ensure you always receive the most relevant and topical information.
The process of rolling out our Citizen Relationship Management system built upon our pioneering success with Whitehouse.gov as our flagship technology, and much of what we’ve learned here at home we’ve started carrying forward to the rest of government with things like the recently published TechFAR and U.S. Digital Services Playbook in a government-wide effort to approach technology in smarter ways.
Regardless of how you choose to engage with the White House, whether through our email newsletters, writing an online message to the President, sending letters, requesting a personalized greeting, or participating in our We the People online petitions site, we continue striving to make it easier for you to control when and how we interact with you. And as we expand our use of new technologies, these features will continue to grow along with us.
So please explore our many ways to engage with the President and suggest new ones if you have ideas we can try. Our goal is to get your feedback to the right places quickly and facilitate a real dialog between you, the engaged citizen, and your government.
Top Ways to Engage or Correspond with Us Online: