We’re pleased to announce that in conjunction with the U.S. Conference on AIDS (USCA), taking place this year in Washington, D.C. at the Marriott Marquis, the Office of National AIDS Policy (ONAP) will host a national listening session to hear from you during the conference!
Date: Friday, September 11, 2015
Time: 10:00 am – 11:30 am EDT
Location: Marriott Marquis, University of D.C. Meeting Room
We released the National HIV/AIDS Strategy: Updated to 2020 on July 30, and since then, our office has been working with our Federal partners across the U.S. Departments of Health and Human Services, Justice, Labor, Housing and Urban Development, Veterans Affairs, Education, Interior, Defense, and others to develop our Federal Action Plan for implementing the updated Strategy. The Federal Action Plan will be released on World AIDS Day.
We want to hear from you! We received significant community input while developing the updated Strategy, which helped inform our priorities and recommendations. We also have used the input to inform development of the Federal Action Plan.
In addition to the Federal Action Plan, ONAP is committed to developing an Action Plan Framework to assist other stakeholders to identify specific actions they can take, tailored to their own specific missions, to ensure the Nation is working to meet the goals of the Strategy. We want to hear your ideas to make this Action Plan Framework useful for you.
The updated Strategy says we need to focus on the right people, right places, and right practices. Specifically, our listening session will emphasize on the four key priority areas highlighted in the updated Strategy:
We hope you’ll be able to join us at USCA and lend your voices to the next phase of Strategy implementation.
Douglas Brooks is the Director of the Office of National AIDS Policy.