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President Obama on the Five Years Since Repealing 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'

President Obama wrote a note on Facebook reflecting on the progress we've made on LGBT rights since the repeal of DADT and the work we have left to do.
"In America, we don’t have to simply accept things as they are.
We have the power to change."
President Obama

There was a time when many of our brave men and women could serve on the frontlines of war, could make the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of their country, but could not do so while embracing who they are. That changed when, five years ago today, the President signed a bipartisan repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" -- bringing an end to a discriminatory law that prevented openly gay, lesbian, and bisexual men and women in uniform from serving openly in our Armed Forces. 

Today, the President reflected on the progress we've made in those past five years and the work we have left to do to ensure that every American can grow up safe, strong, and confident -- no matter who they are or who they love. Read his message here, then share it with your friends and family on Facebook.