Legal Organizations
National Bar Association: “The National Bar Association (NBA) respects the President’s duty to nominate the invidiual that he feels is the most qualified to fill the vacancy in the U.S. Supreme Court. Chief Judge Merrick Garland is qualified to sit on the nation’s highest Court and the NBA looks forward to evaluating his nomination fairly and objectively.”
“While the National Bar Association would have liked for President Obama to nominate an African-American, the president has shown his continued commitment to diversifying the federal courts through his nominations to fill the various judicial vacancies throughout the country.
“While Senate Republicans have been very vocal about their intent to block any Supreme Court nomination in a Presidential election year, this behavior is not new. They have obstructed the judicial nominating process for the past few years by refusing to fill vacancies in many of the lower federal courts.
“The NBA will continue to push for diversity, and urge the Senate to do its job as outlined in the U.S. Constitution.” [NBA president Benjamin L. Crump, esp., 3/16/16]
Lawyers’ Committee For Civil Rights Under Law: “The President undertook the responsibility of identifying a nominee seriously, and has put forth a nominee with a long record of experience serving and leading the second highest court in our nation.”
“‘Today, President Obama fulfilled his constitutional responsibility by nominating Chief Judge Merrick Garland to the United States Supreme Court,’ said Kristen Clarke, president and executive director of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law. ‘The President undertook the responsibility of identifying a nominee seriously, and has put forth a nominee with a long record of experience serving and leading the second highest court in our nation. Judge Garland has enjoyed notable bipartisan support throughout his professional career. It is now time for the Senate to carry forth its constitutional responsibility and provide Judge Garland with a full and fair hearing, and a floor vote. Each day that the Supreme Court sits with a vacant seat impairs the ability of the Court to play its vital role in our constitutional democracy of protecting the rights of minorities.’
“Judge Garland has been a federal appellate judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit for nearly 20 years. Prior to his appointment to the D.C. Circuit, Chief Judge Garland served as a federal prosecutor and a partner at Arnold & Porter. As principal associate deputy attorney general, he oversaw the prosecutions of the Oklahoma City bomber and the Unabomber.
“Judge Garland clerked for Justice William Brennan on the Supreme Court from 1978 to 1979. He also served as a co-clerk with Chief Justice John Roberts for Judge Henry Friendly on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit from 1977 to 1978. He is a graduate of Harvard Law School and Harvard College.
“Last week, the Lawyers’ Committee issued a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee in response to Senator Grassley and other Judiciary Committee member’s public refusal to consider any nominee put forth by the president. The Lawyers’ Committee also issued a report that looked at legal and historical precedents regarding Supreme Court vacancies. The report concluded that the Senate should carry out its constitutional responsibility, given the critical role of the Supreme Court in our democracy. The report also found that refusal to consider a nominee under these circumstances would be unprecedented. The Lawyers’ Committee will present a subsequent Nominee Report outlining its views on Judge’s Garland’s record of jurisprudence in the days ahead.” [Lawyers’ Committee, 3/16/16]
NAACP Legal Defense Fund: “We regard any effort to deprive President Obama of his constitutional right to fill a vacancy on the Supreme Court as an irresponsible and politically-motivated effort to undermine the authority of this President.”
“Today, President Barack Obama nominated Chief Judge Merrick Garland of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit to serve on the Supreme Court of the United States. If confirmed, Judge Garland will assume the seat left vacant by the sudden death of Justice Antonin Scalia on February 13, 2016. The NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc. (LDF) congratulates Judge Garland on his nomination and calls upon the Senate to consider his nomination expeditiously.
“Sherrilyn Ifill, President and Director-Counsel of LDF, emphasized the need for the Senate to immediately begin the process of reviewing Judge Garland’s record and fulfilling its constitutional ‘advise and consent’ function. ‘Now that the President has exercised his constitutional authority to nominate Judge Garland for the Supreme Court, we expect that the Senate will fulfill its constitutional responsibility and hold a fair and prompt hearing,’ said Ifill. ‘We regard any effort to deprive President Obama of his constitutional right to fill a vacancy on the Supreme Court as an irresponsible and politically-motivated effort to undermine the authority of this President.’
“As with each nominee to the Supreme Court, Ifill explained that LDF will once again ‘carefully review Judge Garland’s entire record, focusing in particular on issues of civil rights and racial justice. We look forward to sharing our findings with members of the Senate and the public as we move forward together in this critical process.’
“On March 2, 2016, LDF submitted a letter urging the Senate Judiciary Committee to carry out its constitutional duty by holding a hearing for a Supreme Court nominee presented by President Obama. In the letter, LDF made clear that nothing in the text or history of the Constitution supports the position that the President cannot fill a Supreme Court vacancy during his or her second term in office. Obstruction by the Senate would precipitate an unprecedented and unnecessary constitutional crisis, hobble the highest court in the land, and undermine the rule of law.
“Previously, on February 26, 2016, LDF joined with 81 other organizations in issuing a letter urging members of the Judiciary Committee to reconsider their refusal to move forward on any nomination until January 20, 2017, when the next President is sworn into office.”
“Notwithstanding the stated intention of some Senators to refuse to fulfill their constitutional obligation to provide and “advise and consent” for a qualified nominee, LDF expects that the Judiciary Committee will return to the practice followed since 1875 of moving Supreme Court nominees forward in a confirmation process that, in modern times, has included a hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee.’
“As part of its overall work on civil rights and human rights, LDF has long been actively involved in nominations to the Supreme Court and to other courts across the nation. LDF remains a steadfast advocate in the quest to make the federal judiciary more diverse and representative of the nation and to maintain an appropriate role for the courts in enforcing civil rights laws and applying the Constitution’s guarantee of equal protection. For several decades, LDF has engaged in a careful and comprehensive review of the records of Supreme Court nominees, including those of John Roberts, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Sonia Sotomayor, and Elena Kagan, and generated detailed reports about their qualifications and records on civil rights and constitutional protections. LDF will continue in this tradition of review and public comment with this current nomination and reiterates the obligation of the Senate to fulfill its constitutional duty to fairly consider Judge Garland’s nomination.” [NAACP LDF, 3/16/16]
Civil Rights Community
Wade Henderson: Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights: “Judge Garland Is The Most Well-Prepared Supreme Court Nominee In Generations.” “‘In choosing Chief Judge Garland to fill this vacancy, President Obama has demonstrated his commitment to the Constitution and our democracy to make sure that the Supreme Court is fully equipped to serve our nation with its full complement of nine justices. Judge Garland is the most well-prepared Supreme Court nominee in generations. From Supreme Court clerk, to the Justice Department, to the private sector, to overseeing the prosecutions of the Oklahoma City bombers, to Chief Judge of the D.C. Circuit, Garland has more federal judicial experience than any nominee in history. His 1997 bipartisan confirmation was supported by seven sitting Republican Senators: Dan Coats, Thad Cochran, Susan Collins, Orrin Hatch, James Inhofe, John McCain, and Pat Roberts. Filling this vacancy should absolutely be a priority for the Senate. Now that the president has done his job, it’s time for Senate Republicans to drop their unprecedented and destructive blockade on any nominee. To do otherwise would create a constitutional crisis and handcuff all three branches of government. We will mobilize our massive network of civil rights advocates, legal scholars, and everyday people who care about democracy and our Constitution to make sure that the Senate does its job. We applaud today’s nomination and urge the Senate to provide a fair hearing and a timely confirmation vote.’” [Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights Press Release, 3/16/16]
NAACP President And CEO Cornell Brooks: “President Obama’s Nomination Of Chief Judge Merrick Garland To Fill The Vacancy On The Supreme Court Unquestionably Fulfills The President’s Constitutional Duty To Put Forth A Well-Qualified Nominee. Based On What Has Been Shared Publicly, Judge Garland Brings A Wealth Of Legal And Judicial Experience As A Nominee To The Nation’s Highest Court And We Look Forward To Engaging In A Thoughtful And Thorough Analysis Of Judge Garland’s Record.” “NAACP President and CEO Cornell William Brooks today released the following statement after President Barack Obama’s announcement of Chief Judge Merrick Garland of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit as his nominee to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court: ‘President Obama’s nomination of Chief Judge Merrick Garland to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court unquestionably fulfills the President’s Constitutional duty to put forth a well-qualified nominee. Based on what has been shared publicly, Judge Garland brings a wealth of legal and judicial experience as a nominee to the nation’s highest court and we look forward to engaging in a thoughtful and thorough analysis of Judge Garland’s record. As the nation’s oldest civil rights organization, the NAACP expects nominees to the Supreme Court to possess not only superior legal acumen, but also an acute understanding of, and sensitivity to, how the Court’s decisions impact the diversity of the people and communities across the country and a demonstrated commitment to enforce our nation’s civil rights laws. ‘We appreciate the President’s timely action in putting forth a well-qualified nominee and expect the same swift action in the Senate confirmation process. We urge members of the Senate Judiciary Committee to put aside partisanship and obstructionism and fulfill their Constitutional duty. The Committee should give Judge Garland a fair and timely hearing, and the Senate should then give him an up or down vote. ‘We urge our members in nearly 2,200 branches across the country to call their U.S. Senators, particularly those on the Senate Judiciary Committee, and demand they move forward expeditiously with a hearing on Judge Garland’s fitness to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court.’” [NAACP Press Release, 3/16/16]
National Action Network: “President Obama fulfilled his constitutional duty today by nominated a highly-credentialed and well-respected judge for the vacancy on the U.S. Supreme Court.”
“Now it is time for Senate Republicans to fulfill their constitutional obligations and duties – holding hearings and a vote to confirm Judge Garland. I challenge the Senate to give Judge Garland a fair and honest confirmation process – it is literally your job to do so, that is why the American people pay your salaries. The Supreme Court is too important to become yet another victim of partisan politics.
“Judge Garland’s record on civil rights issues are impeccable but beyond his individual rulings it is clear that he bases his decisions on the law and the protection of liberty and justice for all – which is exactly what we ask for in a Supreme Court justice. Seven sitting Republican Senators voted for Judge Garland’s nomination to the D.C. Circuit in 1997 when he was confirmed by an overwhelming margin. Sen. Orrin Hatch called him unquestionably qualified for the Supreme Court – there should be no issue whatsoever in confirming him again.
“The cases before the Supreme Court right now will decide the future of voting rights, affirmative action, and other critical issues that cannot wait. As President Obama said, no President stops working in the final year of their term. The Senate shouldn’t stop working either.” [NAN, 3/16/16]
NCNW: “NCNW is concerned about all issues that affect women and their families. There is an issue of great importance facing every American today.”
“The President of the United States has a Constitutional obligation to nominate a qualified individual to fill the vacancy on the U.S. Supreme Court left by Justice Antonin Scalia's untimely death. The U.S. Senate has the obligation to debate and vote whether to confirm the President's nomination. But members of the Senate Judiciary Committee have announced their plan to block Senate confirmation and deny "Advice and Consent." Some have pledged to block confirmation of ANY nominee put forward by President Obama.
“Please contact members of the Senate Judiciary Committee TODAY to urge them to give President Obama's Supreme Court nominee a fair hearing in the U.S. Senate, as required by the U.S. Constitution. You can find contact information for the Senate Judiciary Committee by visiting Senate Judiciary Website. To find your own Senator, visit the U.S. Senate Website.
“Our message is simple! Respect the Constitution and the separation of powers among the branches of government. Give thoughtful consideration to President Obama's nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court. Americans should not have a year-long vacancy on the Court at a time when Citizens United (the case that effectively ended regulation of political campaign contributions), the Voting Rights Act, affirmative action and other important issues are on the Court's agenda. The most long-lasting action a President makes is the appointment of a justice to the U.S. Supreme Court. Today, there is a vacancy on the Supreme Court that could change the direction of the country. You can make a good argument that the most lasting work of a president is in the federal judges he/she nominates. The GOP understands this. That is why Mitch McConnell is pledging to block ANY person President Obama nominates. We must be similarly diligent to assure that the President’s obligation to nominate justices to the court is not thwarted. It matters. It matters whether the Affordable Care Act continues to be attacked. It matters whether race can be taken into account in government contracting and college admissions. It matters whether money is speech and can be spent in unlimited amounts in political campaigns. It matters whether the right to vote may be infringed merely to provide political advantage.
Take Action: Contact your U.S. Senator to Urge Hearings for President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee.” [NCNW National Executive Director, Janice L. Mathis, Esq.]
National Urban League: “There is far too much at stake to leave the Court hobbled while some senators engage in political gamesmanship," Morial said. "There is absolutely no question about the Constitutional duty of the Senate and the urgency to ensure the Supreme Court is able to fulfill its critical functions.”
President Marc H. Morial today congratulated Merrick Garland, Chief Judge of the District of Columbia Court of Appeals, on his nomination to the US Supreme Court and called upon the Senate to act swiftly to confirm the appointment.
"There is far too much at stake to leave the Court hobbled while some senators engage in political gamesmanship," Morial said. "There is absolutely no question about the Constitutional duty of the Senate and the urgency to ensure the Supreme Court is able to fulfill its critical functions."
Morial noted that Garland has served with distinction on the Court of Appeals and as a private lawyer and prosecutor, and is held in high regard by both peers and observers alike.
"I look forward to the confirmation process and learning in greater detail about Judge Garland's record, particularly in regard to civil rights and social justice matters," Morial said.
"For nearly a century and a half, the Senate has managed to transcend partisanship to fulfill its constitutional responsibility to "advise and consent," Morial said. "I have faith that the Senate will recognize the ultimate destructiveness of the path some senators have chosen and return to the normal practice of holding a hearing and a confirmation vote for Judge Garland." [National Urban League, 3/16/16]
National Coalition on Black Civic Participation/Black Women’s Roundtable: “We strongly urge the U.S. Senate to live up to its constitutional responsibility and grant Judge Garland a fair committee hearing and an up or down vote in the full Senate.”
“We are pleased that President Obama has fulfilled his Constitutional responsibility by nominating The Honorable Merrick Brian Garland as his choice to fill vacancy left by the untimely passing of the late Justice Antonin Scalia. We believe that Judge Garland is eminently qualified and has served the judiciary with honor and distinction.”
“Judge Garland is the chief judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. He has served on that court since 1997.
“As head of the NCBCP and convener of the Black Women’s Roundtable, we are disappointed and had hoped that an African-American woman would be nominated. We have and will continue to advocate for the next Supreme Court vacancy to be filled by an exceptional black woman to bring about a balance that ensures the court is more representative of all Americans.
“We continue to believe it is time for African American women to be represented in all sectors of government---including the U. S. Supreme Court of the United States, which in its 227 year history has not had a Black woman nominated to serve on the highest court in the land. We support President Obama’s nomination. We strongly urge the U.S. Senate to live up to its constitutional responsibility and grant Judge Garland a fair committee hearing and an up or down vote in the full Senate.” [NCBP, 3/16/16]
U.S. Black Chambers: “President Obama fulfilled his constitutional responsibility by nominating to the Supreme Court an eminently qualified candidate who deserves a fair hearing.” “Throughout the entire duration of President Obama's presidency we've witnessed a defiant, dysfunctional and divided Congress unwilling to work together, let alone support the commander in chief,” said USBC President Ron Busby. “It's no surprise Congress is yet again defiant and in opposition to President Obama's Supreme Court nomination. The reality is Chief Judge Merrick Garland has more federal judicial experience than any other Supreme Court nominee in history. No one is more qualified to immediately serve on the Supreme Court. As the voice and advocate for Black business owners, we believe President Obama's Supreme Court nomination is the best choice to continue to move America forward.” [U.S. Black Chambers, 3/17/16]
Political Leadership
Congressional Black Caucus: “Today, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell restated his shortsighted and reckless plan to not hold hearings or even so much as meet with the U.S. Supreme Court candidate.” “President Obama has fulfilled his duty by nominating Chief Judge Garland who is a highly qualified candidate. We call on Senate Republicans to do their job and give Judge Garland full and fair consideration. For the sake of our nation, the Republican obstructionist agenda must stop. The American people deserve better.” [CBC, 3/17/16]
African American Mayors Association: “Judge Merrick Garland is an eminently qualified nominee for the Supreme Court.” “As Chief Judge for the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, Judge Garland has earned bipartisan recognition for his commitment to carefully interpreting the law. The interests of justice cannot wait – the US Senate must do its Constitutional duty and promptly consider and vote upon Judge Garland’s nomination.” [AAMA, 3/16/16]
Community Organizations
Sigma Pi Phi: “Now that the President has announced a nominee, Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity calls upon the Senate to provide a fair hearing and vote on the nominee in a timely manner.”
“The Executive Committee of the Grand Boulé of Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity unanimously agreed to take a public position on the U.S. Supreme Court vacancy. Founded in 1904, Sigma Pi Phi (also known as the Boulé) is the first Greek-letter fraternity to be founded by African-American men. Members have included W.E.B. Du Bois, Martin Luther King, Jr., among others. Sigma Pi Phi periodically takes public policy positions on issues critical to our community and has made social action a key strategic priority.
“On February 29, 2016, Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity issued a statement that political obstructionism undermines the U.S. Constitution, and indicated that statements that the current President should not nominate a Supreme Court replacement run counter to Article II, Section 2, Clause 2 of the U.S. Constitution that states that the President “shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint....Judges of the Supreme Court."
“Now that the President has announced a nominee, Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity calls upon the Senate to provide a fair hearing and vote on the nominee in a timely manner.
“Sigma Pi Phi requests that its members across the nation contact their U.S. Senators demanding that the U.S. Senate provide a fair hearing on the nominee in a timely manner.” [Sigma Pi Phi Grand Sire Archon, James O. Cole, 3/16/16]
Stephanie Young is the Associate Director for Public Engagement.