President Obama has teamed up with Buzzfeed and TurboVote to launch "Turn Up the Vote," an initiative to encourage people to engage in the democratic process and register to vote.
Your vote is not only the most powerful tool we have to shape our collective future, it's easy for you to do. In fact, watch President Obama do a few things that are harder than registering to vote:
5 Things That Are Harder Than Registering To Vote, Featuring @POTUS #TurnUpToVotehttps://t.co/vHfvNl3s5e
— BuzzFeed (@BuzzFeed) June 27, 2016
As American citizens, the only way we can choose our public leaders is through our vote. We cannot take that for granted.
So watch and share this video, then make sure you're registered. As President Obama said, "You have the power to shape our country’s course."