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Middle Class Task Force Meeting: Promoting Manufacturing in America

On Tuesday, June 23rd,Vice President Biden and the Middle Class Task Force go to Perrysburg, Ohio to promote one of our economy’s key sectors: manufacturing. They will be visiting a solar plant that’s making solid inroads into the new, clean economy, where the Vice President will host a discussion on the present challenges and future opportunities facing the sector.
On Tuesday, June 23rd,Vice President Biden and the Middle Class Task Force go to Perrysburg, Ohio to promote one of our economy’s key sectors: manufacturing. They will be visiting a solar plant that’s making solid inroads into the new, clean economy, where the Vice President will host a discussion on the present challenges and future opportunities facing the sector.
The discussion will include both experts and the public, and will focus on the state of manufacturing today, and how the administration is supporting manufacturing communities during tough economic times. As the President continues to develop and lay out his vision for an American economy fit to lead the world through the 21st Century, the Vice President will talk about the integral role manufacturing will continue to play. Joining Vice President Biden will be Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke, Ohio Governor Ted Strickland, and Ed Montgomery, who has been touring the Midwest and working with some of the hardest hit workers, as Director of Recovery for Auto Communities and Workers.