White House Author

Alexandria Salazar
Alexandria Salazar is a junior at the Colorado School of Mines pursuing a degree in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering with a minor in Public Affairs. She was born and raised in Denver Colorado where she attended George Washington High School. During her stay there she founded a club for No-Kill animal shelters. As President and founder of the club she encouraged others to join and volunteered weekly at a local No-Kill shelter. During the summer of 2008 she spent her summer volunteering at an orphanage for mentally handicapped children. After joining the ranks at Mines she soon applied and was accepted into the McBride Honors Program, the only undergraduate honors program at the Colorado School of Mines. She joined the Society of Woman Engineers and in 2011 was awarded the Stilettos to Steel Toes scholarship. Recently she was initiated as an active member into Alpha Phi Omega, a co-ed service fraternity. Alpha Phi Omega, APO, provides its members the opportunity to develop leadership skills as they provide service to their campus, to youth and the community, to the nation and to members of the Fraternity. She serves on the service committee and has participated in several events including Absolutely Incredible Kid Day. This past summer she was able to intern for Senator Mark Udall. She is passionate about both leadership and service and knows LOFT will help her achieve her dreams.