White House Author

Analilia Mejia
Executive Director of the New Jersey Working Families Alliance
Analilia Mejia serves as the Executive Director of the New Jersey Working Families Alliance, a statewide nonpartisan organization that seeks to promote and defend the interest of New Jersey’s working families. An affiliate of the Working Families Organization, NJWFA seeks to move policies and programs that to allow workers the financial stability to care for themselves, their families, and their communities. Integral to this mission has been their Earned Sick Days for NJ campaign, which has sought the passage of a strong statewide law by moving the adoption of several municipal ordinances that cover over 150,000 workers and sets the groundwork for extending this protection to 1.2 million workers across the state. Under her leadership, the Alliance has won ballot initiatives as well as successfully pushed for local ordinances in 10 municipalities across the state of New Jersey. In addition to earned sick days, the Alliance has worked extensively on fairness and equity policies; voter rights protections, accountability and transparency in government and other worker, family and women’s issues.