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White House Author

Andrea Marr

Commissioning Engineer at McKinstry
Andrea Marr is a Commissioning Engineer at McKinstry’s Irvine, California office where she advises large institutions on energy efficiency strategies. Prior to joining McKinstry, Andrea worked for a small non-profit in Nicaragua designing and installing wind turbines and solar panels in rural communities without access to the national electric grid. Andrea graduated from the Naval Academy in 2005 with a degree in Aerospace Engineering. She served as the Gunnery Officer on two deployments in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and as a Nuclear Engineering Officer for a third deployment. She holds an M.S. in Engineering Management from Old Dominion University where she conducted a study on the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building program. Andrea is involved with Operation Free, a nationwide coalition of veterans and national security experts who advocate for securing America with clean energy.

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