White House Author
Dom Tolli
Dom Tolli has led the team that has developed and implemented new services to help people and organizations be prepared for emergencies. Dom and his team have built Smartphone apps that put critical information and services at people’s fingertips when they need it most. From the First Aid app to the Hurricane app to the soon to be -released Earthquake app, all of these tools empower people with the knowledge they need at the time they need it. Having this information in people’s pockets when they need it most will save lives and reduce suffering. Also, building upon the work of staff at the St. Louis chapter and executives of Anheuser-Busch, Dom and his team have created a revised Ready Rating service to help businesses, schools, and organizations assess and improve their disaster readiness. A Ready Rating Assessment quantifies a company’s level of preparedness. From here, organizations take specific next steps to improve their preparedness level, create a customized emergency response plan, and the ability to compare their level others in their industry or state.