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White House Author

Elyse Gellerman

As Affiliate representative to Susan G. Komen for the Cure®’s Board of Directors, Elyse Gellerman represents the interests of the breast cancer organization’s more than 120 Affiliates. A long-time activist for women’s issues, she is passionate about Komen for the Cure’s mission to save lives and end breast cancer forever, having experienced breast cancer as a co-survivor of many friends and co-workers battling the disease. Gellerman brings to Komen’s board more than a decade of Affiliate expertise as a volunteer, board member, officer and advocate. Gellerman was a member on the Komen Denver Metropolitan Affiliate’s board of directors for six years, During her two-year tenure as Board President, the Denver Affiliate was awarded the first Komen Promise Award, in recognition of the Affiliate’s impact on breast cancer mortality in its service area. She is currently chair of the Affiliate’s Public Policy Committee, which aims to increase access to breast health and breast cancer care for low income and uninsured individuals. Gellerman is Senior Vice President of Provider Strategies for Aspen Healthcare Metrics, a MedAssets company. She has more than 20 years of experience in healthcare management and, as a consultant for the company, has worked in more than 70 hospitals nationwide, specializing in service line development and cost management.

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