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White House Author

Fary Moini

Rotary Club of La Jolla Golden Triangle, California
Educating women and girls and enhancing health care training in Jalalabad, Afghanistan Fary Moini of San Diego, California has led her Rotary club in a series of successful projects to increase educational opportunities for girls and young women and enhance the training of health care professionals in Jalalabad, Afghanistan. Since 2002, Moini has made 19 trips to Afghanistan to help spearhead the construction of the Jalalabad Rotary School along with two other schools in Jalalabad, which today support thousands of primary grade students. Moini also helped establish 12 computer labs for high school students in Jalalabad to facilitate social media interaction with students in the United States. Combining her medical and educational background, Moini worked with Nangarhar University Medical School to establish and develop training for neo-natal staff and midwives. Moini also oversaw the installation of heart monitoring equipment at the Nangarhar Public Hospital. Fary Moini is being honored as a Champion of Change for her humanitarianism and contributions to public service, aimed at improving people's lives and making a better future around the globe.