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White House Author

Kimberly A. Scott

Executive Director of CompuGirls
Kimberly A. Scott, Ed.D. is an Associate Professor in the Women and Gender Studies Department at Arizona State University and Executive Director of CompuGirls. She is also co-leading the national STEM initiative STEM For All. CompuGirls was founded in 2007 as a technology program for adolescent girls from underserved school districts that offers participants opportunities to work with cutting edge digital media to encourage computational thinking, affect positive change in their communities, enhance techno-social analytical skills and provide a dynamic and fun learning environment that nurtures self-esteem. STEM For All convenes a diverse group of researchers, practitioners, funding organizations, and policy analysts with interest, expertise, and knowledge in culturally relevant practices and its potential for positively affecting underprivileged students' digital creativity. An active scholar-activist, Scott’s work focuses on issues of social justice with an emphasis on girls’ of color social and academic development.

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