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White House Author

Meg Schnabel

Meg Schnabel is the Executive Director of Redevelopment Opportunities for Women (ROW) in St. Louis, Missouri and has been working in the domestic violence movement for 25 years. ROW is a non-profit multi-service organization whose mission is to empower low income women and their families to build safety, skills, economic security and hope for the future. ROW works with women experiencing poverty and abuse by helping them to address immediate financial challenges, as well as to achieve their long term personal and financial goals. Meg’s enthusiasm and dedication to economic empowerment services targeted toward women impacted by domestic violence and/or poverty has been instrumental in the development of ROW’s economic intervention services and the outgrowth of ROW’s REAP Training Institute. Meg holds a Masters Degree in Social Work and has taught numerous courses at Washington University’s Brown School of Social Work, St. Louis University School of Social Service, and the University of Missouri-St. Louis.

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