White House Author

Robert L. Moore
Robert L. Moore is a practicing attorney in Venice, Florida. A 44-year member of the Kiwanis Club of Venice, he has held all elected positions in Kiwanis International, including service as 2003–2004 Kiwanis International president.
A member of the original Kiwanis Worldwide Service Project team, he worked with UNICEF and Kiwanis to raise awareness and funds to virtually eliminate iodine deficiency disorders. The successful campaign changed the future for millions of children.
Because of his work in this effort, Robert became a proponent of delivering micronutrients to children and women of childbearing age in developing nations. In addition to his continuing work with Kiwanis, he currently serves as Chairman of the Board of the Micronutrient Initiative.
Bob is a graduate of Stetson University and the University of Florida Law School. He and his wife Jan have four sons and six grandchildren.