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White House Author

Robin Eckstein

Member of the Truman Defense Council
Robin Eckstein is a combat-disabled Army veteran who serves as a member of the Truman Defense Council and volunteers locally for veteran’s organizations. While serving in Iraq, Robin was a truck driver and experienced the real cost of fossil fuel usage in our military. In 2009 she joined Operation Free, a coalition of veterans and national security agencies campaigning for comprehensive clean energy reform. During this time she advocated for clean energy and climate security at hundreds of engagements around the country. Robin and her fellow Operation Free veterans brought a new voice to the climate change debate by giving firsthand accounts of their time in Iraq and discussing how clean energy and climate change affect American soldiers at war on a personal level. She continues to work with the Truman National Security project, speaking out on the importance of a clean energy future and bringing awareness to the national security implications of climate change.

Robin Eckstein's Posts