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White House Author

Tracy Canard Goodluck

Tracy Canard Goodluck

Senior Associate Director of Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs

Tracy is a Senior Associate Director of Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs, where she serves as the tribal affairs liaison.  Tracy recently completed her time as a Presidential Management Fellow, where she worked for the Department of the Interior, Office of Congressional and Legislative Affairs, handling the legislative portfolio for Indian Affairs issues. Tracy also completed a detail at the White House where she worked as a policy advisor for the Domestic Policy Council working on Native American affairs issues. Tracy’s professional work experience includes serving as a teacher, teacher-leader, and school administrator in rural and tribal communities, including the Hopi, Navajo, and Tulalip reservations, and urban cities like Albuquerque. In 2005, Tracy was one of the co-founders and served as Dean of Students of the Native American Community Academy (NACA) in Albuquerque, a grade 6-12 charter school that is focused on an indigenous model of teaching and learning.

Tracy holds a J.D. and Certificate in Indian Law from the University of New Mexico School of Law, a Master’s in Teaching from the University of Washington, an Educational Specialist Degree in Educational Leadership from the University of New Mexico, and an A.B. in Sociology from Dartmouth College.