White House Summit on Worker Voice
Celebrate Working Leaders

Worker Voice Intro
On October 7, 2015, the White House and the Department of Labor brought together workers, labor leaders, advocates, forward-leaning employers, Members of Congress, state and local officials and others to highlight the relationship between worker voice and a thriving middle class.
The White House Summit on Worker Voice provided a historic opportunity to bring together a diverse group of leaders – including workers, employers, unions, organizers and other advocates and experts — to explore ways to ensure that middle-class Americans are sharing in the benefits of the broad-based economic growth that they are helping to create. We want both seasoned and emerging leaders from across the country, who are taking action in their communities to lift up workers’ voices — to be active participants in this conversation. The day concluded with a conversation with the President, co-hosted by Coworker.org, included questions and stories from workers across the country.
Missed it? Watch a full video of that conversation here:
Regional Engagement
Building on the momentum generated from the October 2015 White House Summit on Worker Voice, members of the administration are traveling around the country for a series of regional events in 2016. Thus far, there have been regional summits in Minneapolis, Los Angeles, and New York City that continue to tell the unique story of how workers, organizers, employers, and local officials are flexing their collective muscles to create positive change in workplaces and communities throughout the country. When community leaders from various sectors and industries come together, they connect over innovative efforts to elevate worker voice to help ensure middle-class Americans are sharing in the benefits of the economic growth they are helping to create.
Follow the Conversation
Austin – September 15, 2016
DepSec @ChrisLu44 addresses importance of #WorkerVoice at our Austin regional summit. How will you #StartTheConvo? pic.twitter.com/zrXr969Znt
— US Labor Department (@USDOL) September 15, 2016
Sharing #workerstories at #WorkerVoice summit @ChrisLu44 @DOL_esp @USDOL @WhiteHouse pic.twitter.com/ukqUOvORfF
— Workers Defense (@workersdefense) September 15, 2016
Inspiring day with advocates, employers & workers who know that greater #WorkerVoice is key to shared prosperity pic.twitter.com/06ds0mfmcI
— Chris Lu (@ChrisLu44) September 15, 2016
.@ChrisLu44 on the incredible people he met in Austin giving workers a voice on the job: https://t.co/KPHad4hVf9 #WorkerVoice #StartTheConvo
— US Labor Department (@USDOL) September 22, 2016
Washington, D.C. - June 15, 2016
"It’s not so much what happens to us, it’s what we do about it." - #EqualPay advocate @Lilly_Ledbetter #StateOfWomen pic.twitter.com/VW2stpBG6j
— US Labor Department (@USDOL) June 15, 2016
Great event at @USDOL on women workers' voices! #StateOfWomen pic.twitter.com/Ed9lbDuyzG
— Valerie Jarrett (@vj44) June 15, 2016
Empowering women is critical to tackle the challenges that remain. Voices matter. Stories matter. Keep sharing them! https://t.co/1sCf2bDNZM
— Tom Perez (@LaborSec) June 15, 2016
New York City - May 6, 2016
Speaker @MMViverito & CM @IE_Dickens attend U.S. Dept. of Labor Worker Voice Summit in Harlem #StartTheConvo pic.twitter.com/mZErF6ZucV
— NYC Council (@NYCCouncil) May 6, 2016
Injusticia racial es injusticia económica: Ya Basta! https://t.co/mpNoChTOP0 #StartTheConvo #WorkerVoice
— USDOL Latino (@USDOL_Latino) May 6, 2016
Steve Rogers of @MLB_PLAYERS, and a former @MLB pitcher – knows something about team effort. #StartTheConvo pic.twitter.com/3Zxqxo144B
— US Labor Department (@USDOL) May 6, 2016
Los Angeles - April 8, 2016
¿Qué significa la union para usted? El chófer de los Teamsters Jorge Mayorga lo explica.https://t.co/Ba3QzuWLpO
— USDOL Latino (@USDOL_Latino) April 8, 2016
"Hora trabajada, hora pagada" - LA #WorkerVoice Summit participant Flor Rodriguez of @CLEAN_Carwash https://t.co/zcJSkZEXe0
— US Labor Department (@USDOL) April 8, 2016
Minneapolis – February 9, 2016
Panel at #WorkerVoice summit includes @CTUL_TC retail janitor, @Working_MN member who works at SuperAmerica pic.twitter.com/6BPeK6UFcx
— Union Advocate (@unionadvocate) February 9, 2016
#WorkerVoice Summit brings @LaborSec Tom Perez to Mpls today. Workers, unions, biz owners to talk workplace issues pic.twitter.com/3gM3mQH1Sr
— Union Advocate (@unionadvocate) February 9, 2016
.@MNTradeswomen are helping build the new @Vikings stadium in MN - and helping #StartTheConvo for #WorkerVoice! pic.twitter.com/GxAaEEE2Y3
— US Labor Department (@USDOL) February 9, 2016
What does the next generation of jobs look like? #StartTheConvo on #WorkerVoice https://t.co/vHcckqEzYz pic.twitter.com/1lFIIO8t8v
— US Labor Department (@USDOL) February 9, 2016
White House Summit on Worker Voice – October 7, 2015
Wondering whose idea it was to #StartTheConvo at the Worker Voice Summit today? @Cecilia44 explains: pic.twitter.com/KtPR83RRZU
— US Labor Department (@USDOL) October 7, 2015
.@ContainerStore's Audrey Robertson answers why their biz #StartTheConvo for a better bottom line: pic.twitter.com/v9RAE9Ik8R
— US Labor Department (@USDOL) October 7, 2015
Dolly and her coworkers raised their voices for change at work. You can #StartTheConvo too: http://t.co/kzljpFsM9m pic.twitter.com/8Jnm8tMW2J
— Generation Progress (@genprogress) October 5, 2015
"I've been homeless with 2 daughters + things didn't change until I joined the #FightFor15" Terrence #StartTheConvo pic.twitter.com/fqWMs5Dm66
— Fight For 15 (@fightfor15) October 7, 2015
Have you tried to organize coworkers at your workplace? Share your story here→ http://t.co/AGR58m1Cjl #StartTheConvo pic.twitter.com/YPLNVddQxc
— Coworker.org (@teamcoworker) October 5, 2015
America is strongest when we all succeed. To do that we must ensure ALL people have a voice at work. #StartTheConvo pic.twitter.com/fx3mB7dWJi
— Tom Perez (@LaborSec) October 5, 2015
Why I'm fighting for higher wages: https://t.co/CuU3zWPvQW
— US Labor Department (@USDOL) September 15, 2015
.@teamcoworker's @michelleimiller has a new post on @USDOL's blog→ Using Technology to Gain a Voice in the Workplace http://t.co/Bi1VYjl3CO
— Coworker.org (@teamcoworker) September 4, 2015
The President just signed an Executive Order requiring federal contractors to offer their employees up to seven days of paid sick leave per year. Learn more.