Champions of Change
Champions of Change

William Byrne

Will oversees the strategy, partnerships, development, management and operations of The DC Project. Under his leadership, The DC Project has developed into one of the fastest growing and most innovative social sector organizations in the United States’ emerging clean economy. Prior to his work with The DC Project, Will organized communities and led field operations in the Obama for America Campaign, where he employed cutting-edge on and off-line organizing tactics contributing to the most successful civic engagement effort in the country’s history. Will graduated with honors from Vassar College and brings international experience to the organization, having worked in an editorial capacity for the American Academy in Berlin as well as Der Spiegel magazine, the most circulated German-language news weekly in Europe.

Will's innovative work toward an equitable clean economy has been featured in The Huffington Post, The Nation magazine, and Washington Life magazine, and he has presented through speaking engagements at Green Festival, the U.S. Department of Commerce and the Good Jobs, Green Jobs National Conference.

Under his leadership, The DC Project and WeatherizeDC have been spotlighted by The Washington Post, National Public Radio, ABC World News, the Office of the White House Press Secretary, the U.S. Department of Energy, and numerous local outlets. Will was recently selected as one of 50 global leaders for the Cordes Fellowship on Social Entrepeneurship and Poverty Alleviation.

About Clean Energy

Every president since Richard Nixon has called for America’s independence from oil, but Washington gridlock has prevented action again and again. If we want to create a more secure energy future, and protect consumers at the pump, that has to change.

President Obama has put forward a plan to secure America’s energy future by cutting our imports of foreign oil by one-third through producing more oil at home and reducing our dependence on oil by leveraging cleaner, alternative fuels and greater efficiency..

And beyond our efforts to reduce our dependence on oil, we must focus on expanding cleaner sources of electricity, including renewables like wind and solar, as well as clean coal, natural gas, and nuclear power – keeping America on the cutting edge of clean energy technology so that we can build a 21st century clean energy economy and win the future.

Learn more about the President’s Blueprint for a Secure Energy Future

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