Champions of Change
Champions of Change

Ivye L. Allen

Ivye L. Allen

Ivye L. Allen, President/CEO of Foundation for the Mid South, understands that no one organization or sector can singlehandedly improve the social and economic conditions in Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi. Through the Foundation for the Mid South, she brings together community stakeholders and institutions in the public and private sectors to address the Mid South’s most complex and challenging issues, including education, health, financial security, and workforce and economic development.

At the core of the Foundation’s beliefs is the need for individuals, organizations, and communities to expand their knowledge and skills—their capacity—to bring about change. The Foundation leads efforts to increase capacity and civic engagement as well to improve racial, social, and economic outcomes throughout the Mid South. Examples include:

  • Financing loaned executives for the City of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina to provide specific expertise and to institutionalize systems and processes geared toward long-term sustainability
  • Improving the effectiveness of administrators in school districts to ensure teachers receive high-quality training and districts access critical resources to improve student academic achievement
  • Supporting local communities and organizations providing residents access to physical and mental health services
  • Expanding financial knowledge and programs in the region that have helped move over 60,000 people toward financial security

The Foundation for the Mid South is one of the leading institutions in the region that successfully leverages people and resources to increase social and economic opportunity for all Mid Southerners.

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