GreenGov Presidential Awards

The GreenGov Presidential Awards celebrate extraordinary achievement in the pursuit of President Obama's Executive Order on Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy and Economic Performance. They honor Federal civilian and military personnel, agency teams, agency projects and facilities, and agency programs that exemplify President Obama's charge to lead by example towards a clean energy economy.

2014 GreenGov Presidential Award Winners

Award Category: Building the Future Award

Project Name: Naval District Washington Comprehensive Energy Program

Agency: Department of Defense, U.S. Navy

Team Name: Naval District Washington 

In fiscal year 2013, the Department of Defense, Naval District Washington, developed a comprehensive energy and water management program that has reduced energy intensity by 25 percent relative to the 2003 baseline, reduced water intensity by 13 percent relative to the 2007 baseline, and completed 99 percent of Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) meter installation.  In addition, by employing state-of-the-art technologies such as geothermal energy and micro-wind turbines, LED lighting, and cellulose insulation, the Washington Navy Yard Visitor Center was recently certified as a net zero building.  Naval District Washington is also providing proof-of-concept for cyber-secure smart grid capabilities that have been deployed in concert with advanced metering, to allow operators to collect real-time consumption data down to the individual building level and use that information to improve building performance in real time.

Award Category: Climate Champion Award

Winner’s Name: William D. Goran

Agency: Department of Defense, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center

Bill Goran is universally recognized as a pioneer in helping agencies integrate consideration of the impacts and risks of climate change into their planning processes.  Mr. Goran’s work dates back to 2007 when he had the foresight to propose a technical focus area on climate change within the Center for the Advancement of Sustainability Innovations at the Engineer Research and Development Center.  In 2007 in an effort now considered ahead of its time, he co-founded with NASA the Interagency Forum on Climate Change Impacts and Adaptations that continues to provide a forum for the Federal community to discuss and share technical information and best practices related to impacts of climate change on Federal agencies resources and mission.  Mr. Goran has contributed to a number of efforts including development and implementation of climate change adaptation and response plans for organizations such as the Army Institute for Water Resources.  The effectiveness of Bill Goran’s leadership in the Interagency Forum and his success in ensuring incorporation of climate change consideration into Army climate change adaptation planning are a testament to his leadership and commitment.

Award Category: Green Dream Team Award

Project Name: DOT/DOE Federal Energy Management Program Strategic Sustainability Partnership

Agency: Department of Transportation and Department of Energy

Team Name: DOT/DOE Strategic Sustainability Partnership

In 2013, the Department of Transportation and the Department of Energy’s Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) formally agreed to create a strategic sustainability partnership.  The relationship worked for both parties; DOT received strategic assistance on sustainability and energy efforts and FEMP was able to refine its program for providing energy and sustainability assistance across the Federal community.  The partnership focused on three priority areas: 1) Energy Audits and Efficiency Improvements; 2) Vehicle Fleet Sustainability; and 3) Sustainable Buildings. Results help FEMP develop and test a new ‘desk audit’ tool which resulted in $1M in government savings and helped the Federal Aviation Administration increase facility evaluation nearly fourfold.  With FEMP assistance, DOT reduced total fuel consumption by 5 percent and increased alternative fuel consumption by 20 percent.  The partnership also allowed design of proposed airport control towers to be more energy and water efficient.  The success of this relationship is clearly a model for similar efforts across the Federal family.

Award Category: Green Innovation Award

Project Name: NIH Substances of Concern Reduction Initiative

Agency: Department of Health & Human Services, National Institutes of Health, Division of Environmental Protection

Team Name: NIH Division of Environmental Protection

Initially, the National Institutes of Health, Division of Environmental Protection established the Substances of Concern Reduction Initiative to help inform purchasing decisions for products used in its own facilities.  The initiative focused on increased emphasis on toxicity reduction and health aspects of products and services used in the Federal government and was designed to complement current Federal purchasing criteria by including consideration of direct human exposure.  The program resulted in a technology solution to inform a procurement of possible health, safety, security, and environmental impacts that may occur from general and specific uses.  The criteria in the Substances of Concern Reduction Initiative will provide examples and opportunities to improve purchasing decisions in other Federal agencies and promote healthcare cost avoidance.

Award Category: Lean, Clean, and Green Award

Project Name: Camp Lemonnier Energy Generation Reconfiguration Savings

Agency: Department of Defense, U.S. Navy

Facility Name: Camp Lemonnier

Camp Lemonnier in Djibouti, is the only U.S. military base in Africa.  It is located in an extremely challenging climatic environment and Camp power is provided solely by diesel generators on base.  The Camp Public Works Department recognized that opportunities for efficiency and improvements would support the Camp mission and they focused on improvements in machine efficiency and upgrades, operation of the base’s generators, power plants, air conditioning units, chilled water stations and water fountains, and reuse of water infrastructure. As a result, in fiscal year 2013, energy intensity was reduced by 13.5 percent relative to the 2003 baseline, and over 15 percent from 2012. The Camp successfully reduced actual energy consumption by 9 percent from 2012, resulting in a $2 million cost avoidance.  Through it sustainable water initiative, the Camp also achieved a 7 percent reduction in water intensity relative to 2012 and has eliminated the need for bottled water stations and an associated 10 million plastic water bottles annually.  Camp Lemonnier is on track to continue these improvements and looks forward to deploying other sustainable practices in the future.

Award Category: Sustainability Hero Award (TWO AWARDEES)

Winner’s Name: Joel B. Walker

Agency: National Aeronautics and Space Administration

As Director of Center Operations for the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, Joel Walker has promoted a sustainability culture that permeates the entire organization.  Mr. Walker has developed and implemented a multifaceted sustainability management approach that has focused on areas of energy and water reduction, green purchasing, reducing the generation of hazardous waste and increased diversion from landfilling of waste through recycling initiatives.  For example, under his direction, Johnson Space Center has constructed 7 certified green buildings which use 100 percent green power and average 35-40 percent reductions in energy and water consumption of comparable facilities.  Under his leadership, Johnson Space Center has reduced potable water use by 15 percent annually or over 60 million gallons per year since 2009 and over the past two years composted over 85,000 pounds of food waste.  Clearly Mr. Walker’s leadership has set the standard for sustainability.  

Winner’s Name: Anibal Negron-Rodriguez

Agency: Department of Defense, U.S. Army

As Chief of the Environmental Division of the Directorate of Public Works at Fort Buchanan in Puerto Rico, Anibal Negron-Rodriguez led the development of the Fort Buchanan Sustainability and Environmental Management System to ensure that Fort Buchanan has the best opportunity to become a Net Zero Energy and Net Zero Water Installation.  The combination of eight Environmental Management Action Plan, working groups, Energy Savings Performance Contracts (ESPCs) and education and outreach efforts, among others, have led to a long list of results including the installation of 3 wind turbines, 11 solar array sites totaling 5.4 megawatts, 11 rainwater harvesting systems collecting 14 million gallons per year, as well as the establishment of a cooking oil recycling program for seven facilities.  Mr. Negron-Rodriguez complements his sustainability achievements with education and outreach efforts for both the soldiers of Fort Buchanan and citizens of Puerto Rico, including students whom he ensures are aware of their role in making the island of Puerto Rico sustainable.   

The 2013 GreenGov Presidential Award Winners
On November 5, 2013, CEQ announced the 2013 GreenGov Presidential Award Winners

The 2012 GreenGov Presidential Award Winners
On September 25, 2012 CEQ announced the 2012 GreenGov Presidential Award Winners.

The 2011 GreenGov Presidential Award Winners
On November 1, 2011 CEQ announced the 2011 GreenGov Presidential Award Winners. Read more about the GreenGov Presidential Award Winners of 2011 on The White House Blog.

The 2010 GreenGov Presidential Award Winners
The 2010 GreenGov Presidential Award Winners were announced at a White House ceremony and reception on October 7, 2010.

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