Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Will my coverage at work change?

Keep your doctor and plan if you like it, but your plan will be strengthened and you'll be protected from insurance company abuses.

Q: Will my coverage at work change?

A: No. If you like the health plan you have, you will be able to keep it. 

  • Nothing in the health reform bill will require you to change your coverage. What the bill will do is strengthen the coverage you get at work by making it  easier to understand and adding some clear rules to rein in the worst insurance company abuses.
  • Language explaining what’s in your plan will have to be simple and clear so that you know what your benefits are and what’s covered.
  • Insurance companies will no longer be allowed to place a lifetime limit on the amount of care they pay for. And in some cases insurance companies with excessive overhead costs will be required to give you a rebate.    And, if your adult children are living at home up to age 26 they can be covered under your family policy.