Q: I’m a parent, how will reform affect coverage for my children?
Keep your doctor and plan if you like it, but your plan will be strengthened and you'll be protected from insurance company abuses.
Q: I’m a parent, how will reform affect coverage for my children?
A: You will be able to get coverage for your child if he or she has a pre-existing condition, and adult children will be able to stay on family policies until age 26.
- Beginning in September 2010, it will be illegal for health insurance companies that cover children to deny coverage to your child based on a pre-existing condition. This applies to all new employer plans, new plans in the individual market, and existing employer plans.
- Beginning in September 2010, insurers will be required to permit children to stay on family policies until age 26. This applies to all plans in the individual market, new employer plans, and existing employer plans, unless your adult child has an offer of coverage through his or her employer. This requirement will take effect the next time your plan comes up for renewal. Adult children who are on their parents’ plan now but who lose that coverage when they graduate from college will have the option of rejoining their parents’ policy in the new plan year beginning n September 2010. Those whose parents work at self-insured companies will also be eligible if they do not have an offer of employer-sponsored insurance. Both married and unmarried dependents qualify for this dependent coverage. Beginning in 2014, children up to age 26 can stay on their parent’s employer plan even if they have an offer of coverage through their employer.