Q: Can I afford coverage?
You will have access to new insurance choices in the same insurance marketplace where all members of Congress will buy their insurance, receive tax credits to help you afford coverage if needed, and get protections from insurance company abuses like denying you coverage based on pre-existing conditions.
Q: Can I afford coverage?
A: Clearly, the system we have today is broken. If you don’t have health coverage, there’s no limit on how much insurance companies can charge you, and they can decide to refuse to sell you a policy at their whim. Health insurance reform will change all of that.
- For the first time in history, there will be limits on how much anyone will have to pay to receive health care coverage. And depending upon your income, you may be among the tens of millions of Americans who will get a tax credit to to help pay for your coverage.
- And for the first time in history, insurance companies will no longer be allowed to simply tell you “no”. They will be required to offer coverage regardless of your health status, and they cannot jack up rates or drop you from your coverage when you get sick.