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Letters to President Obama

When President Obama took office, he asked his staff to send him 10 letters from constituents to read every night. These letters—hand-picked from the thousands of emails and handwritten notes that the White House receives every day—represent the stories and concerns of Americans across the country. The President reads a new batch of letters every night, and he’s often visited letter writers in their hometowns and spoken about how these messages have inspired him and his policies.
Take a look through some of the letters sent to the President throughout his Administration. You can browse year by year or look for letters on specific topics.

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Social Progress & Equality
October 31, 2016

I am writing you this letter due to a recent event that occurred on August 21, 2016. A deaf and mute male was shot by a police officer in North Carolina...

October 31, 2016
Ambriance Lamar
Beaufort, South Carolina
With Videos
September 28, 2016

I didn’t vote for you because I couldn’t believe in the “hope” message...

September 28, 2016
Patrick Branigan
Brookline, Massachusetts
Social Progress & Equality
August 9, 2016

You changed the way America thought and looked at the world.

August 9, 2016
Health Care
May 11, 2016

I am sending this message in regards to the growing concern in this country about addiction...

May 11, 2016
Eugene Ammon, Jr.
Columbus, Ohio
From Kids
March 31, 2016

I think this country needs more spunk...

March 31, 2016
Economic Progress
Health Care
With Videos
March 15, 2016

I could begin my job search with the security of knowing I could continue health care coverage on my parents’ plan for a few more years...

March 15, 2016
Katherine Jurczyk
Providence, Rhode Island
Social Progress & Equality
From Kids
Health Care
March 14, 2016

Hello my name is Mari and I’m 8 years old, I live in Flint, Michigan...

March 14, 2016
Flint, Michigan