Meeting Record
Meeting Record Regarding: NPRM
Date: 4 / 6 / 2010
Name |
Affiliation |
Client (if applicable) |
Brenda Aguilar |
Chris Stephen |
Natl Rural Electric Coop. Assn. |
Brendan Flanagan |
National Restaurant Assn. |
John Canary |
Dept. of Labor, EBSA |
Bob Kocher |
Maria Ghazal |
Business Roundtable |
Nancy Taylor |
Greenberg Training |
Business Roundtable |
Sarah Arbes |
Retail Industry Leaders Assoc. |
Kathryn Wilber |
American Benefits Council |
Zeke Emanuel |
Neil Trautwein |
Natl. Retail Federation |
Katie Hays |
U.S. Chamber of Commerce |
Marisa Milton |
HR Policy Association |
Mark Ugoretz |
The Erisa Industry Committee |
E. Christi Cunningham |
Dept of Labor, Policy |
Margaret Malanoski |
Nancy Ann DeParle |
WH Office of Health Reform |
Jennifer Cannistra |
WH Office of Health Reform |
Meeting material provided to OMB (2 pages, 133 kb)