Meeting Record
Meeting Record Regarding: Addition of New Fuel Pathways Under the Renewable Fuel Standard Program
Date: 10 / 5 / 2012
Name |
Affiliation |
Client (if applicable) |
Chad Whiteman |
Nora Stein |
OMB/Ag Branch |
Aviva Glaser |
National Wildlife Federation |
Doria Gordon |
The Nature Conservancy |
Stacy Small-Lorenz |
Environmental Defense Fund |
Read Porter |
Environmental Law Institute |
Bruce Rodan |
Pete Whitman |
Michal Rosenoer |
Friends of the Earth US |
Jeremy Martin |
Union of Concerned Scientists |
Jennifer Mock Schaeffer |
Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies |
Terence Houston |
Ecological Society of America |
Dominic Mancini |
Kevin Neyland |
Sharyn Lie |
Meeting material provided to OMB ( pages, kb) 
Document 1 (2 pages, 148 kb)
Document 2 (5 pages, 295 kb)
Document 3 (4 pages, 81 kb)
Document 4 (18 pages, 806 kb)
Document 5 (1 page, 52 kb)
Document 6 (9 pages, 118 kb)
Document 7 (4 pages, 107 kb)
Document 8 (1 page, 255 kb)