A Double Bottom Line Investment: Giving Young People A First Job
President Obama is calling on communities to sign onto the “First Job” Community Compact. The goal is to spread best practices that community leaders are already implementing to connect more out of school, out of work Opportunity Youth ages 16 to 24 to jobs to support those young people and regional economies. By filling out this form your community is signing onto the First Job Compact below.
If applicable, your announcement may be incorporated into White House materials in the coming months and your organization and relevant partners may be invited to participate in upcoming White House events on this topic.
Have questions about your commitment? Email FN-WHO-NEC_FirstJobs@whmo.mil
Please submit this form by October 3rd, 2016 for consideration.
My community in partnership with others pledges to:
- Generate Or Update An Extensive List Of Community Resources For Opportunity Youth Employment. In most communities there are multiple agencies, non-profits, schools, employers and organizations working to meet the needs of Opportunity Youth. Many communities lack a shared knowledge of the resources available to support these needs, which can make it difficult for employers who want to recruit and hire Opportunity Youth from community partners. My community will produce and publish an extensive list of organizations that are supporting Opportunity Youth at connecting to and succeeding in employment in my region including information on the key services offered and how to partner with them.
- Analyze Data To Better Understand The Opportunity Youth Population In Your Community. Tracking Opportunity Youth is not easy – often they appear in multiple governmental data systems maintained by schools, workforce, child welfare, juvenile justice agencies and more. My community will conduct a local analysis of the data to understand the scope of the out-of-school, out-of-work youth population in my region to help determine the level and types of needed services. My community will also develop a plan to improve the coordination of data collection and resources to continually evaluate outcomes for Opportunity Youth and track them across programs, while taking appropriate precautions to protect their privacy.
For communities that are already successfully implementing these practices, we are interested in what additional steps you plan to take to further expand and build on your existing work. For those who are at the outset, we would like to hear how you plan to pilot these efforts.