Meeting Record

Meeting Record Regarding: Medicare Secondary Payer and Future Medicals

Date: 9 / 9 / 2013

Name Affiliation Client (if applicable)
Mary Lazzeri  OMB/OIRA  
Stacy Sanders Medicare Rights Center  
Aluy Colberg Brain Injury Assn. of America  
Alexandra Bennewith United Spinal Assn.  
Robyn Grant  National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care  
Abby Bownas NVG AAJ on behalf of Future Care
Lisa Foster NVG AAJ on behalf of Future Care
Maureen Fitzgerald The Arc  
Ashley Nathanson OMB/HD  
Thomas Grannemann OMB/HD  
Katerina Horska HHS  
Elizabeth Ashley OMB/OIRA  
Brenda Aguilar OMB/OIRA  
Casey Schwabb Medicare Rights Center