Meeting Record

Meeting Record Regarding: Physician Fee

Date: 10 / 17 / 2012

Name Affiliation Client (if applicable)
David Levison Cardio Dx  
Tad Heuer Foley Hoag CCP  
Alan Mertz American Clinical Laboratory Association  
Mike Webb Allegro Diagnostics  
Kim Popvits  Genomic Health  
Brian Carey  Foley Hoag CCP  
Paul Radesnky CCP  
David Brunel Biodesix INC  
James Walker OMB-Medicare  
Cindy Moon OMB-Medicare  
Sophia Wright OMB-Medicare  
Katerina Horska  Dept. of Health + Human Services  
Julie Wise OMB/OIRA  

Meeting material provided to OMB ( pages, kb) PDF Information
Document 1 (2 pages, 656 kb)
Document 2 (32 pages, 1.8 mb)
Document 3 (10 pages, 460 kb)
Document 4 (10 pages, 197 kb)