113th Congress First Session (By Bill Number)

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House Bills

Bill No. Title Date Sent To Whom
HR 3 Northern Route Approval Act (1 page, 71 kb) May 21, 2013 House Rules
HR 5 Student Success Act (1 page, 69 kb) July 17, 2013 House Rules
HR 45 Repealing the Affordable Care Act (1 page, 113 kb) May 15, 2013 House Rules
HR 152 Disaster Relief Appropriations Act, 2013 (1 page, 156 kb) January 14, 2013 House Rules
HR 273 Eliminating the 2013 Statutory Pay Adjustment for Federal Employees (1 page, 116 kb) February 13, 2013 House Rules
HR 325 Temporary Suspension of Debt Ceiling (1 page, 156 kb) January 22, 2013 House Rules
HR 367 Regulations From the Executive in Need of Scrutiny Act of 2013 (1 page, 196 kb) July 31, 2013 House Rules
HR 527 SA The Responsible Helium Administration and Stewardship Act (1 page, 223 kb) September 19, 2013 House
HR 624 Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (2 pages, 121 kb) April 16, 2013 House Rules
HR 761 National Strategic and Critical Minerals Production Act of 2013 (1 page, 71 kb) July 9, 2013 House Rules
HR 803 Supporting Knowledge and Investing in Lifelong Skills (SKILLS) Act (1 page, 160 kb) March 13, 2013 House Rules
HR 807 Full Faith and Credit Act (1 page, 71 kb) May 7, 2013 House Rules
HR 890 Preserving Work Requirements for Welfare Programs Act of 2013 (1 page, 159 kb) March 12, 2013 House Rules
HR 933 Department of Defense, Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, and Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act, 2013 (1 page, 160 kb) March 5, 2013 House Rules
HR 933 SA Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2013 (1 page, 112 kb) March 12, 2013 Senate
H.R. 982 Furthering Asbestos Claim Transparency (FACT) Act of 2013(1 page, 176 kb November 12, 2013 House Rules
HR 992 Swaps Regulatory Improvement Act (1 page, 295 kb) October 28, 2013 House Rules
HR 1062 SEC Regulatory Accountability Act (1 page, 72 kb) May 15, 2013 House Rules
HR 1105 Small Business Capital Access and Job Preservation Act (1 page, 157 kb) December 3, 2013 House Rules
HR 1120 Preventing Greater Uncertainty in Labor-Management Relations Act (1 page, 158 kb) April 10, 2013 House Rules
HR 1256 Swap Jurisdiction Certainty Act (1 page, 220 kb) June 11, 2013 House Rules
HR 1406 Working Families Flexibility Act of 2013 (1 page, 228 kb) May 6, 2013 House Rules
HR 1526 Restoring Healthy Forests for Healthy Communities Act (2 pages, 176 kb) September 18, 2013 House Rules
HR 1549 The Helping Sick Americans Now Act (1 page, 160 kb) April 23, 2013 House Rules
HR 1582 Energy Consumers Relief Act (1 page, 42 kb) July 23, 2013 House Rules
HR 1613 Outer Continental Shelf Transboundary Hydrocarbon Agreements Authorization Act (1 page, 160 kb) June 25, 2013 House Rules
HR 1797 The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (1 page, 159 kb) June, 17, 2013 House Rules
HR 1900 Natural Gas Pipeline Permitting Reform Act (1 page, 157 kb) November 19, 2013 House Rules
HR 1911 Smarter Solutions for Students Act (1 page, 72 kb) May 22, 2013 House Rules
HR 1911 SA Smarter Solutions for Students Act (1 page, 71 kb) July 24, 2013 Senate
HR 1947 Federal Agriculture Reform and Risk Management Act of 2013 (2 page, 231 kb) June 17, 2013 House Rules
HR 1956 Swap Jurisdiction Certainty Act (8 pages, 336 kb) June 11, 2013 House Rules
HR 1965 Federal Lands Jobs and Energy Security Act (1 page, 221 kb) November 19, 2013 House
HR 2009 Prohibiting Treasury from Implementing the Affordable Care Act (1 page, 188 kb) July 31, 2013 House Rules
HR 2216 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2014 (2 pages, 185 kb) June 3, 2013 House Rules
HR 2217 Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2014 (3 pages, 242 kb) June 3, 2013 House Rules
HR 2218 Coal Residuals Reuse and Management Act (1 page, 119 kb) July 23, 2013 House Rules
HR 2231 Offshore Energy and Jobs Act (2 pages, 235 kb) June 25, 2013 House Rules
HR 2374 Retail Investor Protection Act (1 page, 295 kb) October 28, 2013 House Rules
HR 2397 Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2014 (4 pages, 239 kb) July 22, 2013 House Rules
HR 2410 Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2014 (4 pages, 239 kb) June 25, 2013 House Rules
HR 2609 Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2014 (4 pages, 174 kb) July 8, 2013 House Rules
HR 2610 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2014 (3 pages, 169 kb) July 22, 2013 House Rules
HR 2642 Federal Agriculture Reform and Risk Management Act of 2013 (1 page, 220 kb) July 10, 2013 House Rules
H.R. 2655 Lawsuit Abuse Reduction Act of 2013 (1 page, 174 kb) November 12, 2013 House Rules
HR 2667 Authority for Mandate Delay Act (1 page, 158 kb) July 16, 2013 House Rules
HR 2668 Fairness for American Families Act (1 page, 158 kb) July 16, 2013 House Rules
HR 2728 Protecting States' Rights to Promote American Energy Security Act (1 page, 169 kb) November 19, 2013 Senate
HR 2775 SA Continuing Appropriations Act, 2014 (1 page, 223 kb)  October 16, 2013  House
HR 2775 No Subsidies Without Verification Act (1 page, 223 kb) September 10, 2013 House
HR 3080 Water Resources Reform and Development Act of 2013 (2 pages, 251 kb) October 23, 2013 House
HR 3102 Nutrition Reform and Work Opportunity Act of 2013 (1 page, 221 kb) September 18, 2013 House Rules
HR 3223 Federal Employee Retroactive Pay Fairness Act  (1 page, 155 kb) October 04, 2013 House
HR 3309 Innovation Act (1 page, 157 kb) December 3, 2013 House Rules
HR 3350 Keep Your Health Plan Act of 2013 (1 page, 296 kb) November 14, 2013 House

House Joint Resolutions

Bill No. Title Date Sent To Whom
HJR 59 HA Bipartisan Budget Act of 2013 (1 page, 113 kb) December 11, 2013 House Rules
HJR 59 HA Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2014 (1 page, 218 kb) September 30, 2013 House Rules
HJR 59 HA Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2014 (1 page, 226 kb) September 28, 2013 House Rules
HJR 59 SA Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2014 (1 page, 88 kb) September 26, 2013 Senate
HJR 59 Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2014 (1 page, 155 kb) September 19, 2013 House
HJR 70 71 72 73 and HR 3230 HR Limited Appropriations Resolutions, 2014 (1 page, 155 kb) October 02, 2013 House Rules
HJR 75 76 77 78 79 80 82 83 84 85 H  Limited Appropriations Resolutions, 2014  (1 page, 101 kb) October 04, 2013 House
HJR 89 and HR 3273 Federal Worker Pay Fairness Act and Deficit Reduction and Economic Growth Working Group Act of 2013 (1 page, 155 kb) October 08, 2013 House
HJR 90 Federal Aviation Administration Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2014 (1 page, 154 kb) October 09, 2013 House

Senate Bills

Bill No. Title Date Sent To Whom
S 16 Cancellation of Budgetary Resources (1 page, 222 kb) February 28, 2013 Senate
S 47 Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (1 page, 304 kb) February 4, 2013 Senate
S 47 Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (1 page, 236 kb) February 26, 2013 House Rules
S 388 American Family Economic Protection Act of 2013 (1 page, 219 kb) February 28, 2013 Senate
S 601 Water Resources Development Act of 2013 (2 pages, 234 kb) May 6, 2013 Senate
S 649 Safe Communities, Safe Schools Act of 2013 (2 pages, 115 kb) April 11, 2013 Senate
S 743 Marketplace Fairness Act of 2013 (1 page, 225 kb) April 22, 2013 Senate
S 744 Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act (1 page, 222 kb) June 11, 2013 Senate
S 815 Employment Non-Discrimination Act (1 page, 155 kb) November 4, 2013 Senate
S 953 Student Loan Affordability Act (1 page, 156 kb) June 6, 2013 Senate
S 954 Agriculture Reform, Food, and Jobs Act of 2012 (1 page, 234 kb) May 20, 2013 Senate
S 1197 National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2014 (5 pages, 122 kb)  November 18, 2013 Senate
S 1238 Keep Student Loans Affordable Act of 2013 (1 page, 97 kb) July 10, 2013 Senate
S 1243 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2014 (3 pages, 83 kb) July 23, 2013 Senate
S 1392 Energy Savings and Industrial Competitiveness Act (1 page, 272 kb)  September 11, 2013 Senate
S 1569 Default Prevention Act of 2013 (1 page, 222 kb) October 12, 2013 Senate

Senate Joint Resolutions

Bill No. Title Date Sent To Whom

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