Meeting Record

Meeting Record Regarding: FLSA Companionship Final Rule

Date: 2 / 11 / 2013

Name Affiliation Client (if applicable)
Brenda Aguilar  OMB/OIRA  
Jennifer Nading OMB/HD  
Rose Lichtenstein OMB/HD  
Alan Soderquist Canegiver Seructs Inc  
Russel Hollrah Hollrah LLC  Private Care Assn
Roger Baumgart Home Instead Senior Care  
Jay Perron  International Franchise Assn  
Gale Bohling ResCare & HCAOA  
William A Donbi National Assn. For Home Care  
Dan Berland National Assoc. of Sale Directors of Developmental Disabilities  Service  
Patti Barnett OMB/HD  
Portia Wie WHO/DPC  
Tom Sevlly Alston & Bird  
Melany Yeung OMB/HD  
Bob Waterman DOL/WHD  
Sarah Marcus  DOL/SOL  
Kyle Gilster HB  
Ann Lichter DOL  
Montaniel Navarro DOL  
Rina Majmidar DOL  
Lucia Cruz DOL  
Jeffery Goode DOL  
Mary Ziegler DOL  
Diane Heim DOL  

Meeting material provided to OMB ( pages, kb) PDF Information

Document 1 (15 pages, 56 kb)
Document 2 (59 pages, 1.53 mb)
Document 3 (23 pages, 632 kb)
Document 4 (12 pages, 331 kb)