Meeting Record

Meeting Record Regarding: Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Steam Electric Power Generating Point Source Category

Date: 3 / 8 / 2013

Name Affiliation Client (if applicable)
Jan Matuszko EPA/OW  
Bill Nickerson EPA/OP  
Kristi Kubista-Kovis USDA/RUS  
Teresa Pugh American Public Power Association  
Christine Kymn SBA  
Cortney Higgins OMB/OIRA  
Norman Birchfield CEQ  
Jim Kim OMB/OIRA  
Amanda Thomas OMB  
Bruce Rodan OSTP  
Kimberly Luczynski OMB  
Drew McConville CEQ  
Jack Waggener URS Corp. UWAG/Power Industry
Doanna Hill  Southern Company  
Liz Aldridge Hunton & Williams  UWAG
Kristy Bulleit Hunton & Williams  UWAG
Dom Mancini OMB/OIRA  
Rich Bozer EEI  
Jim Laity OMB/OIRA  
Kevin Bromberg SBA Advocacy  
Jessica Hall EPA/OGC  
Ron Sordan EPA/OW  
Cuc Schroeder EPA/OW  

Meeting material provided to OMB ( pages, kb) PDF Information

Document 1 (1 page, 58 kb)
Document 2 (10 pages, 275 kb)