Meeting Record

Meeting Record Regarding: 2012 Implementation Guidance on FAFO Regulations: CAFOs that Discharge (Pork Producer Guidance)

Date: 5 / 7 / 2012

Name Affiliation Client (if applicable)
Dom Mancini  OMB/OIRA   
Tara Heinzen  Environmental Integrity Project   
Laura Schierhoff  Humane Society of the United States   
Jessica Culpepper  Public Justice   
Stephanie Maddin  Earthjustice   
Claire Althouse  Natural Resources Defense Fund   
Marianne Engelman Lado  Earthjustice   
Michelle Merkel  Food & Water Watch   
Eve Gartner  Earthjustice   
Elizabeth Holmes  Center for Food Safety   
Jeff Peterson  CEQ   
Manisha Patel  CEQ   
Kimberly Miller  OMB   
Louis Eby   EPA