Meeting Record

Meeting Record Regarding: Criteria and Standards for Cooling Water Intake Structures

Date: 9 / 9 / 2013

Name Affiliation Client (if applicable)
Cortney Higgins OMB/OIRA  
Paul Balserak (via phone) EPA/OP  
Ron Shadaggian (via phone) CEA  
Paul Shriner (via phone) EPA/OW  
Julie Hewitt (via phone) EPA/OW  
Kevin Bromberg SBA/Advocacy  
Jonathan Rackoff OMB/OGC  
Steven Overman Shell  
Lynn Szabo Dupont  
Brendan Mascarenhas American Chemistry Council  
Keith Belton Dow  
Hanneke Counts Eastman  
Jim Laity OMB/OIRA  

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