Meeting Record

Meeting Record Regarding: Florida Nutrient Criteria

Date: 10 / 28 / 2010

Name Affiliation Client (if applicable)
Leslie Palmer FL Dept. of Agriculture and Consumer Services  
Rich Budell FL Dept. of Agriculture and Consumer Services  
Chuck Aller FL Dept. of Agriculture and Consumer Services  
Carol Forthman FL Dept. of Agriculture and Consumer Services  
Jerry Brooks FL Dept. of Environmental Protection  
Geof Mansfield FL Dept. of Environmental Protection  
Drew Bartlett FL Dept. of Environmental Protection  
David Still Suwannee River Water Mgmt District  
Kevin Carter Suwannee River Water Mgmt District  
Chris Pettit Suwannee River Water Mgmt District  
Keith Rizzardi Suwannee River Water Mgmt District  
Edward Wright USDA/NRCS  
Jim Laity OMB  
Dominic Mancini OMB  
Dianne Poster CEQ  
Jeff Peterson CEQ  
Kevin Bromberg SBA  
Patty Lawrence NRCS  
Keira Franz NRCS  
Katrina Johnson USDA  
Evelyn Washington EPA  
Ephraim King EPA  
Charlotte Bretram EPA  
Amy Newman EPA  
Gary Russo EPA