Meeting Record

Meeting Record Regarding: Criteria and Standards for Cooling Water Intake Structures

Date: 11 / 5 / 2013

Name Affiliation Client (if applicable)
Rob Wood (via phone) EPA/OW  
Richard Witt (via phone) EPA/OW  
Mary Ellen Levine (via phone) EPA/OW  
Paul Shriner (via phone) EPA/OW  
Steve Nuegeboren (via phone) EPA/OGC  
Alexis Wade (via phone) EPA/OGC  
Cortney Higgins OMB/OIRA  
Jonathan Rackoff OMB/OGC  
Edward Osann Natural Resources Defense Council  
Reed Super Super Law Group Riverkeeper, et al
Edan Rothenberg Super Law Group Riverkeeper, et al
Paul Gally  Riverkeeper  
Bruce Rodan OSTP  
Anne Finken CEQ  
Jim Laity OMB/OIRA  
Julie Hewitt EPA  

Meeting material provided to OMB ( pages, kb) PDF Information

Document 1 (51 pages, 1.8 mb)
Document 2 (43 pages, 595 kb)