Meeting Record

Meeting Record Regarding: Hazardous Waste Manifest Revisions--Standards and Procedures for Electronic Manifests

Date: 9 / 30 / 2013

Name Affiliation Client (if applicable)
Brian Gross EBA  
Sarah Bresolin SBA  
Bruce Rodan OSTP  
Cortney Higgins OMB/OIRA  
Robert Nolan Exxon Mobil  
Johnathan Rackoff OMB/OGC  
Jim Laity OMB/OIRA  
Evelyn Nackman API/DGC  
Doug VanPelt Exxon Mobil  
Derek D Swick API  
Khary Cauthen API  
Barbara Ehimika API  

Meeting material provided to OMB ( pages, kb) PDF Information

Document 1 (1 page, 276 kb)
Document 2 (6 pages, 403 kb)