Meeting Record

Meeting Record Regarding: Portland Cement Manufacturing NESHAP and NSPS--Proposed Amendments as a Result of Reconsideration

Date: 5 / 17 / 2012

Name Affiliation Client (if applicable)
Keith Barnett (via phone)  EPA/OAQPS   
Sharon Nizitch (via phone)  EPA/OAQPS   
Cortney Higgins  OMB/OIRA   
Hugh Ho  OMB/OIRA   
Dom Mancini  OMB/OIRA   
Gwen Bredehoeft  OMB/OIRA   
Kevin Neyland  OMB/OIRA   
Glenn Sheriff  CEQ   
Jim Pew  EarthJustice   
Allie Sheffield  PenderWatch & Conservancy   
Janice Nolen  American Lung Assoc.   
Stephanie Madden  EarthJustice   
Jennifer Swearingen  Montanans Against Toxic Burning