Meeting Record

Meeting Record Regarding: E-15

Date: 10 / 5 / 2010

Name Affiliation Client (if applicable)
David Rostker OMB/OIRA  
Kevin Bromberg SBA/Advocacy  
Joseph Johnson SBA/Advocacy  
Mat Dunn NMMA  
John Cabaniss Assn of Int’l Auto Mfrs  
Valerie Ughetta Alliance of Auto. Mfrs.  
Scott Faber Grocery Manufacturers Assn.  
Kris Kiser OPEI  
Holly Afano National Assn. of Truckstop Operators  
Brian Siu Natural Resources Defense Council  
Gregg Scott NPRA  
Heather White EWG  
Dusty Horwitt EWG  
Nathan Frey OMB/OIRA  
Heidi King OMB/OIRA  
Karen Thundiyil EPA/OP  
Sally Donner Olsson Frank Weeds National Meat Assn.
Dale Nellor American Meat Institute  
Tom Stricker Toyota  
Ben Schreiber Friends of the Earth  
Kevin Neyland OMB/OIRA  
Tim Hogan National Petrochemical & Refiner Assoc.  
Bill Guerry OPEI Counsel  
Dominic Mancini OMB/OIRA  
Paul Argyropoulos EPA/OTAQ  
Karl Simon EPA/OTAQ