December 9, 2014 Senior Leadership Event
You’ve reached this web page because you were invited to submit a ticket request for the December 9th Senior Leadership Event in Washington, DC. This event will only be open to employees in SES, SL, ST, and Senior Foreign Service positions.
Those with existing MAX Federal Community accounts will be able to request a ticket directly at the Ticket Request Page linked at the bottom of your invitation. You will be prompted to log in, using your username and password. We recommend testing your ability to visit this page prior to November 18th. The ability to begin requesting tickets on the page will begin at noon EST, on November 18th. If your web browser is already on that page, you should “refresh” it at noon.
If you have not previously registered your e-mail address on, you should also visit the Ticket Request Page linked at the bottom of your invitation now, and click on the green “Register Now” button on the top right of the page. Once you have successfully registered an account for your e-mail address, you will be able to successfully view the full ticket request page.