Table of Contents for Circular No. A-11 (2003)

Table of Contents
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OMB Circular A–11 (2003), Entire File (PDF Version)  (18mb)
OMB Circular A–11 (2003), Entire File (ZIP FILE)  

OMB Circular A–11, Revised Transmittal Memorandum—11/14/03
(65k) OMB Circular A–11, Transmittal Memorandum #777/25/03  (102k)
Table of Contents  
Guide to the Circular  
Summary of Changes  

PART 1  (2,486k)

General Information

10. Overview of the budget process  (268k)
15. Basic budget laws  
20. Terms and concepts (Updated 11/17/03)  
22. Communications with Congress and the public and clearance requirements  

PART 2  (6,816k)

Preparation and Submission of Budget Estimates

I. General Policies and Requirements Related to Developing Estimates
    and Proposals

25. Summary of requirements  (229k)
26. Summary of performance information requirements  
30. Basic policies and assumptions  
31. Compliance with administration policies and other general requirements  
32. Estimating employment levels, compensation, benefits, and related costs  
33. Estimates related to specific types of programs and expenditures  

II. The Initial Budget Submission

51. Basic justification materials  (204k)
52. Information on financial management  
53. Information technology and e-government  
54. Rental payments for space and land  

III. MAX Data and Other Materials Required After Passback

71. Reporting by budget account  (158k)
79. The budget data system  
80. Development of baseline estimates  
81. Policy and baseline estimates of budget authority, outlays, and receipts (schedules A, S, R, and K)  
82. Program and financing (schedule P) (Updated 11/14/03)  
83. Object classification (MAX schedule O)  
84. Character classification (MAX schedule C)  
85. Performance metrics (schedule V)  (178k)
86. Other MAX data  
95. Budget Appendix and print materials  

PART 3  (1,050k)

Selected Actions Following Transmittal of the Budget

110. Supplementals and amendments  (259k)
111. Releases of contingent emergency funding  
112. Rescission proposals and deferrals  
113. Investment transactions  (376k)

PART 4  (3,260k)

Instructions on Budget Execution

I. Apportionment and Reapportionments

120. Apportionment/reapportionment process  (333k)
121. SF 132, Apportionment and reapportionment schedule  
123. Apportionments under continuing resolutions  
124. Agency operations in the absence of appropriations  

II. Budget Execution Reports

130. SF 133 Report on budget execution and budgetary resources  (855k)

III. Other Reports

135. Procedures for monitoring Federal outlays  (534k)
140. Reports on unvouchered expenditures  
145. Requirements for reporting Antideficiency Act violations  
150. Administrative control of funds

PART 5  (885k)

Federal Credit Programs

185. Federal credit (Updated 11/14/03)  (885k)

PART 6  (575k)

Preparation and Submission of Strategic Plans, Annual Performance Plans, and Annual Program Performance Reports

200. Overview of strategic plans, performance plans, and annual program performance reports (including performance and accountability reports)  (156k)
210. Preparing and submitting a strategic plan 
220. Preparation and submission of performance budgets  
230. Preparation and submission of the annual program performance report, including the performance report portion of a performance and accountability report   

PART 7  (889k)

Planning, Budgeting, Acquisition, and Management of Capital Assets

300. Planning, budgeting, acquisition, and management of capital assets  (894k)

Supplement to Part 7—Capital Programming Guide  

PART 8  (4,391k)


A. Scorekeeping guidelines  (177k)
B. Scoring lease-purchases and leases of capital assets  
C. Listing of OMB agency/bureau and Treasury codes  
D. Explanation of MAX edit checks (Updated 11/14/03)  
E. Diagnostic reports  
F. Format of SF 132 and SF 133  (535k)
G. Crosswalk between Antideficiency Act and Title 31 of the U.S. Code  
H. Checklist for fund control regulations  
I.  List of FACTS II reporting providers  
J. Principles of budgeting for capital asset acquisitions  (188k)
K. Selected OMB guidance and references regarding capital assets  

Index  (340k)
Agency Comment Sheet  
Order Form  