Corporation for National and Community Service

The Federal Budget

  Media contact: 202-606-6944
FY2012 Request:  $1.3 billion
FY2011 Request:  $1.4billion
FY2010 Enacted:  $1.2 billion

The President believes that service can help to address our Nation’s greatest challenges, and that serving our fellow Americans can help speed our economic recovery. The Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) provides an on-ramp for Americans of all ages to serve their community and country in sustained and effective ways throughout their lives, from tutoring at-risk youth to responding to natural disasters to building the capacity of community organizations. Some of the brightest solutions to America’s challenges can be found outside of Washington, in communities across the country.

The Corporation’s 2012 budget reflects the need to make sacrifices in areas across government in order to invest in areas that will create jobs and boost competitiveness for years to come.  Accordingly, this Budget proposes $1.3 billion for CNCS, 11 percent below last year's request.  Although reaching the goal of engaging 250,000 AmeriCorps members will be extremely difficult in this constrained environment, the Budget provides Americans with more opportunities to serve, gain valuable job and leadership skills, and foster innovation in communities across the country.

Invests in Community Solutions and a Skilled America

  • Supports National Service. The Budget funds 90,000 AmeriCorps members, enabling Americans to serve and building the capacity of the nonprofit sector to find innovative solutions to social problems. The Budget focuses national service resources in those areas where service can achieve the greatest results for communities, and invests in program evaluation to determine what forms of service are most effective.    
  • Supports Innovative Non-Profits. Innovative solutions for addressing critical national challenges can only be executed with the capital to develop, evaluate, and replicate successful approaches. The Budget invests $70 million in the Social Innovation Fund to test promising new approaches to major challenges, leverage private and foundation capital to meet these needs, and grow evidence-based programs.
  • Engages Retiring Americans in Service. Many older Americans are eager to serve our Nation, and they have a wide range of skills and knowledge to give back to their fellow Americans. The President’s Budget sets aside $5 million to create a demonstration program within Senior Corps, which connects individuals over the age of 55 to local volunteer opportunities. This new initiative will test innovative, evidence-based approaches to engaging low-income seniors in opportunities to serve two vulnerable populations:  children and youth at risk of failing to perform at grade level and veterans in home based primary care and their care-givers.