Department of Homeland Security

The Federal Budget


Media contact: 202-282-8010
FY2012 Request:  $43.2 billion
FY2011 Request:  $43.6 billion
FY2010 Enacted:  $42.6 billion

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is the principal Federal agency charged with the vital missions of preventing terrorism and enhancing security, securing and managing America's borders, enforcing and administering immigration laws, safeguarding and securing cyberspace, and ensuring resilience to disasters. The Nation's security in these areas is not only critical to our safety, but also the continued growth of our economy and long-term global competitiveness. To support these missions, the President’s 2012 Budget provides $43.2 billion, an increase of $309 million (.7 percent) over 2010 actual funding levels.  Increases were made in core homeland security functions such as border security and Coast Guard assets.  Savings are achieved through the elimination of stove-piped and duplicative state and local grant programs, administrative costs, and professional contract services

Maximizes Federal Security Dollars

  • Refocuses border surveillance funding on proven technologies, providing $242 million to complete the optimal approach in three sectors in Arizona, helping to secure our Nation’s borders. 
  • Eliminates duplicative programs and supports effective disaster response with $3.8 billion for State and local programs to equip, train, exercise, and hire first responders; provides $1.8 billion for the Disaster Relief Fund (DRF).
  • Cuts over $450 million from lower priority areas, including consulting and professional service contracts as well as travel, printing, supplies and advisory services. 

Strengthens Homeland Security

  • Safeguards the Nation's transportation systems with an $82 million increase and supports deployment of up to 1,275 Advanced Imaging Technology screening machines at airport checkpoints, with robust, built-in privacy safeguards; $273 million to support new explosives detection systems in the nation's airports; and $58 million for the continued modernization and streamlining of transportation security vetting and credentialing, reducing redundant processes.
  • Strengthens border security and immigration enforcement by supporting 21,370 Border Patrol agents and an additional 300 Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Officers for passenger and cargo screening as well as expansion of pre-screening operations at foreign airports and land ports of entry, and deploying additional technology and equipment to the southwest border.
  • Provides $132 million to enhance and expand immigration related verification programs at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.
  • Promotes citizenship and integration of new immigrants with $20 million for education and preparation programs, replication of promising practices in integration for use by communities across the Nation, and expansion of English language learning tools.
  • Provides $459 million for the National Cyber Security Division to secure information networks and defend against cyber-threats to federal networks, the nation’s critical infrastructure, and economy.
  • Continues upgrading the Coast Guard’s assets through $358 million to construct six more Fast Response Cutters; $130 million to construct two more Maritime Patrol Aircraft; $65 million for the search and rescue communications system, Rescue 21; and $93 million to recapitalize aging shore facilities that support the effective and efficient execution of all Coast Guard missions.
  • Supports Coast Guard family housing in areas that lack affordable housing options and provides $9 million more for Coast Guard-sponsored child care services.