Federal Register Notice, FAIR Act


Subject: Public Availability of Year 2002 Agency Inventories Under the Federal Activities Inventory Reform Act of 1998 (Public Law 105-270) ("FAIR Act")
Agency: Office of Management and Budget
Executive Office of the President
Action: Notice of Public Availability of Agency Inventories of Activities That Are Not Inherently Governmental and of Activities That Are Inherently Governmental
Summary: Agency inventories of activities that are not inherently governmental are now available to the public from the agencies listed below, in accordance with the "Federal Activities Inventory Reform Act of 1998" (Public Law 105-270) ("FAIR Act"). Agency inventories of activities that are inherently governmental are also now available to the public from the agencies listed below. This is the first release of the 2002 FAIR Act inventories. The Office of Federal Procurement Policy has made available a summary FAIR Act User’s Guide through its Internet site:


The User's Guide should help interested parties review 2002 FAIR Act inventories, and gain access to agency inventories through agency web-site addresses

The FAIR Act requires OMB to publish an announcement of public availability of agency inventories of activities that are not inherently governmental upon completion of OMB’s review and consultation process concerning the content of the agencies’ inventory submissions. After review and consultation with OMB, the agency inventories are made available to the public. Interested parties who disagree with the agency’s initial judgment can challenge the inclusion or the omission of an activity on the list and, if not satisfied with this review, may also demand a higher agency review/appeal.

  Signature of Director Daniels
Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr.





Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board

Lawrence W. Roffee, (202) 272-0001
Website: www.access-board.gov

National Council on Disabilities

Ethel D. Briggs, (202) 272-2004
Website: www.ncd.gov

Committee for Purchase for People Who are Blind or Severely Disabled

Leon A. Wilson, Jr., (703) 603-7740
Website: www.jwod.gov

National Commission on Libraries and Information Science

Judith C. Russell, (202) 606-9200
Website: www.nclis.gov/index.cfm

Institute of Museum and Library Services

Teresa M. LaHaie, (202) 606-8637
Website: www.imls.gov

National Endowment for the Humanities

Barry Maynes, (202) 606-8233
Website: www.neh.fed.us/

Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation

Louis H. Blair, (202) 395-4831
Website: www.truman.gov

James Madison Fellowship Foundation

Steve Weiss, (202) 653-6109
Website: www,jamesmadison.com

Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education

Gerald J. Smith, (703) 756-6012
Website: www.act.org/goldwater/

Christopher Columbus Fellowship Foundation

Judith M. Shellenberger, (315) 258-0090
Website: www.whitehouse.gov/omb

Office of Navaho and Hopi Relocation

Nancy Thomas, (928) 779-2721
Website: www.whitehouse.gov/omb

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Tom Luedtke, (202) 358-2090
Website: http://competitivesourcing.nasa.gov

Health and Human Services

Michael Colvin, (202) 690-7887
Website: www.hhs.gov/ogam/oam/fair/

Consumer Product Safety Commission

Edward E. Quist, (301) 504-0029 x2240
Website: www.cpsc.gov

Housing and Urban Development

James M. Martin, (202) 708-0638
Website: www.hud.gov/

Commission on Fine Arts

Charles Atherton, (202) 504-2200
Website: www.cfa.gov

Holocaust Museum

James Gaglione, (202) 314-0336
Website: www.ushmm.org/financial

Kennedy Center

Lynne H. Pratt, (202) 416-8000
Website: www.kennedy-center.org

Woodrow Wilson Center

Ronnie Dempsey, (202) 691-4216
Website: http://wwics.si.edu

Office of Special Counsel

Jane McFarland, (202) 653-5163
Website: www.osc.gov

U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board

Douglas Wade, (202) 653-6772, ext 1118
Website: www.mspb.gov


Kevin Whitfield, (202) 622-0248
Website: www.treas.gov/fair