HR 3671 -- 04/05/2000

April 5, 2000

H.R. 3671 - Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Programs
Improvement Act of 2000

(Young (R) AK and 16 cosponsors)

The Administration appreciates the efforts of the House Resources Committee to address concerns raised by the Interior Department about H.R. 3671. We believe that the combined efforts of the Committee and the Department will result in many valuable improvements to the Federal Aid program and ensure that the taxes paid by America's sportsmen are being used for their intended purposes.

The Administration, however, remains concerned that H.R. 3671 would cap the program's administrative funding below the four percent of program revenues needed to effectively staff and administer the revised program. In addition, H.R. 3671 contains provisions that would concentrate program administration in Washington rather than in the field and reduce program flexibility. If the House passes the bill, the Administration will work with the Senate to address these concerns.