HR 4519 - - 09/26/2000

September 26, 2000

H.R. 4519 - Baylee's Law
(Rep. Franks (R) New Jersey)

The Administration supports House passage of H.R. 4519, which would improve public accountability regarding the safety and security of children in child care facilities under the control of the General Service Administration. However, the Administration strongly urges that it be amended to apply to all child care centers in Federal space regardless of who controls the space (other than Department of Defense centers, because the Department of Defense has independent authority to operate its own child care centers, most of which are located on secured military installations). Furthermore, the Administration urges Congress to consider broadening the scope of this bill, or expedite the consideration of other bills such as H.R. 28, the Quality Child Care for Federal Employees Act, to require Federal child care facilities to comply with state and local child care requirements; develop and implement overall health, safety and facility standards; and, comply with child care accreditation standards. The Administration looks forward to working with the Congress on these and other concerns as this bill moves through the legislative process.