HR 4999 - - 09/19/2000

September 19, 2000

H.R. 4999 - Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Act of 2000
(Reps. McCollum (R) Florida and Fletcher (R) Kentucky)

While the Administration does not oppose authorization of the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant (LLEBG), we strongly oppose the authorization level of $2 billion per year for five years contained in H.R. 4999. At this level, the LLEBG that would be authorized by H.R. 4999 would seriously jeopardize targeted, proven programs already agreed to by Congress and the Administration. The Administration believes that the first order of business should be to reauthorize the President's Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Program to fund up to 50,000 more police for our nation's streets, the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), and other programs proposed in the Administration's 21st Century Law Enforcement and Public Safety Act. These programs have helped communities cut the crime rate to a 25-year low and should be reauthorized without further delay.