Office of Federal Procurement Policy Acquisition Workforce
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Revisions to the Federal Acquisition Certification in Contracting (FAC-C) (May 7, 2014) (23 pages, 838 kb)
Revisions to the Federal Acquisition Certification for Program and Project Managers (FAC-P/PM) (December 16, 2013) (18 pages, 416 kb)
Increasing Efficiencies in the Training, Development, and Management of the Acquisition Workforce (September 3, 2013) (4 pages, 414 kb)
Dan Gordon’s Testimony before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform (November 16, 2011) (7 pages, 202 kb)
Revisions to the Federal Acquisition Certification for Contracting Officer’s Representatives (FAC-COR) (September 6, 2011) (11 pages, 744 kb)
Guidance for Specialized Information Technology Acquisition Cadres (July 13, 2011) (15 pages, 196 kb)
Re-Employed Annuitant Report 2010 DG FINAL 5-3-11 (Lieberman Letter) (May 3, 2011) (2 pages, 62 kb)
Attracting Talent to the Acquisition Workforce (February 4, 2011) (16 pages, 106 kb)
Report to Congress on Reemployed Retired Federal Employees and Annuitants (June 4, 2010) (2 pages, 35 kb)
Report to Congress on Reemployed Retired Federal Employees and Annuitants (March 19, 2009) (2 pages, 111 kb)
Acquisition Workforce Human Capital Succession Plans (January 7, 2009) (2 pages, 39 kb)
The Federal Acquisition Certification for Contracting Officer Technical Representatives (November 26, 2007) (9 pages, 552 kb)
The 2007 Federal Contracting Workforce Competencies Survey (October 17, 2007) (6 pages, 93 kb)
Plans for Hiring Reemployed Annuitants to Fill Acquisition-related Positions (September 4, 2007) (4 pages, 50 kb)
The Federal Acquisition Certification for Program and Project Managers (April 25, 2007) (22 pages, 182 kb)
Skills Assessment of Contracting Professionals (March 7, 2007) (2 pages, 37 kb)
The Federal Acquisition Certification in Contracting Program (January 20, 2006) (Revised December 2008) (16 pages, 153 kb)
Policy Letter 05-01, Developing and Managing the Acquisition Workforce (April 15, 2005)
Federal Acquisition Institute Board of Directors Charter (November 3, 2004) (4 pages, 39 kb)
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