Multi-Agency Contract Opportunities
The following multi-agency contracts provide a wide variety of supplies or services to a government-wide customer base. Vendors under these contracts compete for the initial contracts and then are eligible to compete further for agency-specific requirements at a task or delivery order level with other contract holders. The links below provide information for vendors who may be interested in competing for such contracts so they can then participate in the task or delivery order competitions:
General Services Administration (GSA) Multiple Award Schedules Program - GSA establishes long-term government-wide contracts with commercial firms to provide access to over 11 million commercial supplies (products) and services to their government customers. If you are interested in becoming a GSA Schedules contractor, go to
Governmentwide Acquisition Contracts (GWACs) – GWACs are task or delivery order contracts that provide Information Technology for government-wide use. Each GWAC is operated by an agency designated by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). If you are interested in becoming a GWAC contractor, go to the following links:
General Services Administration (GSA), various GWACs. Go to
Health and Human Services (HHS), National Institutes of Health provides various GWACs for hardware, software development, systems integration, technical support services, and integrated system services and solutions for the implementation of imaging technology within NIH and other Federal agencies. Go to
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Scientific and Engineering Workstation Procurement (SEWP), provides scientific and engineering workstations. Go to